7. Aerosol and gaseous components observation at Goto in Jan 1997

Hitoshi MUKAI (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

Aerosol, acidic gases and ammonia gas were observed by filter pack method.

Filter pack included Tefron (47 mm dia, AF07P, Sumitomo Elect. Co, Japan) for aerosol, alkaline impregnated quartz fiber filter (2% K2CO3+2% Glyceline on Pallflex QAST) and phosphoric acid impregnated filter. Sampling was done for 6 hr each with flow rate of 20 l/min. In addition, to trap both nitrate and nitric acid, another sampler equipped with nylon filter was also used.

Analysis was done by ion chromatography after extraction with 5ml water in an ultrasonic cleaner followed by 30 min. shaking.


High concentration (over 10 ug/m3) of NSS-sulfate and sulfur dioxide were observed on Jan 11.These levels were the same as observation by airplane. The concentration became low in 13th, suggesting pollution passed over this region on these days. After that, polluted air mass was observed intermittently. NSS-sulfate had a good correlation with NH4 and a fair correlation with Ca. Nitrate correlated with K. Concentration levels of pollutants were relatively high due to short distance from Asian continent.

Results are shown in Tables 1,2 and Figures 1-4.
