概要 - 98p -
- Foreword
- Preface
- Contents
- Co-Chairs’ Summary
- Open Symposium
- Agenda
- Welcome Addresses
- Key-note Speeches
- Panel Discussion Summary
- Closing Address
- Expert Workshop
- Agenda
- Welcome Address
- Introduction: Sharing the objectives of this workshop
- Session 1: “Why do we need Low-Carbon Society?”
- Session 2: “How to develop Scenarios: Methodologies for LCS”
- Session 3: “Win-Win strategies: Aligning Climate Change and Sustainable Development Objectives”
- Session 4: “How to Achieve LCS: Low Carbon Options”
- Session 5: “Break Out Sessions”
- Session 6: “How to Achieve LCS: National and Global Cooperation”
- Appendices
- I: Press Release on Feb.16, 2006
- II: List of Invited Participants
- III: Abbreviations of Institutes
- IV: Executive Summary
- V: Japan and UK Ministers’ Letter at COP12
- VI: International Steering Committee
- VII: Japan Low Carbon Society Scenarios toward 2050